

In the name of Him who created Himself!
In the name of the One who created Himself
From eternity in a creative profession;
In His name that creates faith,
Trust, love, activity and strength;
In Jenes name, who, so often called,
The essence always remained unknown:

As far as the ear can hear, as far as the eye can see,
You only find familiar things that resemble Him,
And your spirit’s highest flight of fire
Has already had enough of the parable, has had enough of the image;
It draws you in, it sweeps you away cheerfully,
And where you walk, path and place adorn themselves;
You no longer count, you no longer calculate time,
And every step is immensity.

What would a god be who only pushes from the outside,
In a circle the universe would run on my finger!
It behoves him to move the world within,
Nature in itself, to cherish itself in nature,
So that what lives and weaves and is in Him,
Never missed His power, never missed His spirit.

Inside is a universe too;
Hence the people’s laudable use,
That any one of them is the best he knows,
He names God, indeed his God,
Handing over heaven and earth to Him,
Fear Him and love Him where possible.

Oil and ink on wood

Aachen 2011